The Physician’s “Retirement” Question: “How do I do it?” 

Dec 08, 2019

Elements of Vision - Yellowstone National Park

The Challenges are Much More than Financial

For a number of my colleagues, the anticipation of their end of career is anticipated joyfully but with significant concerns.  For many others, it is dreaded for a variety of reasons.  For both, the impending end of career is a challenging time.

The stresses and worries begin years before the actual anticipated end date. There is a heavy awareness that there are numerous serious obligations that must be managed and tasks that must be completed. What are they, one might ask?  The reality is that we typically know little about numerous necessary preparations and duties that must be accomplished. That lack of knowledge is often the source of stress and a sense of bewilderment.

The worst scenario is the one I experienced and made me Exhibit A: an unexpected illness and subsequent disability that ended my Plastic Surgery career. Happily, I am well now and have Transitioned to my new...

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The Art of a Photographic Masterpiece and the Art of Your Future Life

Dec 07, 2019

 Clouds in Transition - Gates of the Valley, Yosemite National Park

 What does making a great landscape photograph have to do with creating a new life after your end of career?

Grand art born of great, visionary artists often arises from a spontaneous idea, an image in the mind’s eye.  The evolution of an idea that culminates in a tangible work of art, whether a painting or a photograph of a spectacular landscape, requires a blending of grand vision and the execution of exceptional technique.

Similarly, in order to create a masterpiece that will be your new life, you must imagine a clear vision of your future before you begin to create it. The path to doing so is to prepare yourself by creating and executing a realistic plan that will guide you to making your new life an exuberant reality.

I am, by nature a serious person, yet strive to not take myself too seriously.  Certainly, there are some things in life besides faith, family, country, etc. that require...

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How to Nourish Your Creativity, Create Your Vision and Optimize Your Potential